Well, I did my first anatomy and physiology quiz. Didn't do bad, 88%. Sadly, that was the open book exam and yes I had to look some things up. I don't expect nearly as good a results on the actual closed book midterm which I still need to book and will do when I have finished this post.
I picked up my first set of scrubs yesterday, but I swear the 'test' set is wonky so they can charge extra for the adjustments. Not on account of me, I know I have a slightly different shape, but my roomie is a perfect size 34 male and has never had a problem with anything off the rack and he even had trouble. They're in the wash now though to get the starch out and then I'll sew the flashes on.
And then there's comm, my eternal bugbear..
I must have spent the better part of two days this week, two full days on comm. Including building a 'tree of life'. This may be a great project for the 18 year old who don't know bugger all about what they want, what they find important etc, but I do. It took me longer to cut out everything than to do the write up and if you want me to talk about what is important to me? Don't give me a mere 2 pages. At least let me do it right. Though I wasn't aware I signed up in a diploma for arts and crafts. Or glitter glue. Ok there was no glitter glue harmed in the making of this project, I promise.
And then there's one other thing...we have to sign an oath of confidentiality not to reveal any details on a patient or institution...but what about coursework? that is in essence revealing social, economic, religious and political viewpoints of that patient, as is expressly forbidden, in their holistic model. I have emailed for clarification. Clear as mud?
Thankfully we had Game last night. Vampire the masquarade. I got to mess with three players heads again, as my gals are wonderful and let me. They came up wiht a solid anti-tremere plan though, I was kinda impressed. Of course, execution was not nearly as flawless, but its progress from 'flailing newbie'..I'm talking about the players and the characters here mind you. But its fun. they make all the mistakes the experienced players wouldn't and that makes it even better. *Grins*
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