Well, went to the first clinical...
We did the highly exciting activity of having the manual read out to us. Oh boy. That said..I know long term care for the elderly may not be exciting to most but I actually kinda like being around the older dears. They have the best stories to tell. I'm looking forward to this, even if all we get to do will be talking, bedmaking, feeding and the like.
I know its probably wrong, but I see lonely people in a lot of the cases. A lot of them abandoned by their family, sometimes there with their friends and sometimes not depending on what their families have chosen.
I don't think most families take the person's friends into account when chosing such an option. But I'll try and confirm that in the next few weeks.
In the mean time I have my first make up assignment as i'm away next week for a wedding. I know, bad student! I'm still going though.
My scrubs were less than comfortable. I'm emailing to see if i can cancel teh other two on order. We'll see.
I went to book my A&P exam, and somehow managed to book four first midterms instead of midterm 1-3 and the final exam. We got it sorted though.
Oh, and amusingly, I have to practice journaling for my Clinical.
think I can do that? *G*
I actually enjoy Geriatrics. If it weren't for the crazy patient to nurse ratio then I would have stayed there.
ReplyDeleteGeriatrics..I enjoy the stories some of the dears have. I enjoy the interaction. What I don't enjoy is the utter slowness of this clinical. I want to /do/ something already!